I want her back. help?

I want her back. help?

I want her back. help?

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 01:32 AM PST

I know this is the wrong category but I'm not getting anything from singles and dating. She broke up with me 3 weeks ago because she was losing feelings. She still liked me after the break up but I just kept ignoring her and kind of smothering her but now I realize that was immature and it made me look like I couldn't handle the breakup. Last week on the last day before school was going to end for 3 weeks she kept giving me signs that she is going to miss me over break. I just ignored them. She was texting me that day and I got really annoyed because I didn't know what she wanted.So I told her to only contact me if we were to make up and that I respect her decision to break up. When I look back at it I realized that my emotions were in control. There was stuff I wasn't supposed to say and now I feel I pushed her away further. I texted her yesterday to see how she was and she was really into the convo like she didn't want it to end. I ended the convo after a bit. Today on fb she was talking to this guy on her wall and she was flirting with him subtly. Like she put a heart and he flirted back with a blush and she put a smiley face. Wtf I'm losing her. What do I do? I don't need her but I WANT her. Is there anything I can do to get her to have feelings for me again?


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