how do i stop this from happening?

how do i stop this from happening?

how do i stop this from happening?

Posted: 08 Dec 2012 01:18 AM PST

so i got a new job about a month ago at a coffee shop. and it gets EXTREMELY BUSY. because i am new, someonetimes i dont know what i am doing and it leads to me being yelled at. all of the people there are lovely its just sometimes it gets stressful. anyway i keep having these dreams where its kinda blurred, but i am at work once again and it is always really busy. i would wake up from the dream but then just close my eyes, and im not asleep but again im kinda having a little mini hullucination or something and i freak out that im at work again and i get really tired from this happening all the time.. can someone please please help me..?


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