Im diabetic and have lupus and im female and 47 there are days i cant not even thinking of eating anything?

Im diabetic and have lupus and im female and 47 there are days i cant not even thinking of eating anything?

Im diabetic and have lupus and im female and 47 there are days i cant not even thinking of eating anything?

Posted: 31 Jan 2014 01:06 AM PST

at all ,but i force myself even tho i get nauseated and i drink water and occasional coffee ,and there are other days im just fine no problems at all .but like right now i just ate a spoon full of peanut butter and now im sick at my tummy ,anyway there are so many foods i hate and some i enjoy,is there a website where i can put in the foods i like and can only tolerate that will come u with a meal plan so i can get in the nutrition i need and finish losing the next 60 lbs i need to lose thanks for the info


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