Why do i feel sick/vomit, on the first day of my period?

Why do i feel sick/vomit, on the first day of my period?

Why do i feel sick/vomit, on the first day of my period?

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 01:04 AM PST

Firstly, im 14 (girl obviously) and ive been getting my period for 2-3 years now. On the first day of my period, for that month, i've been starting to feel so sick, and leading to vomitting. It only ever happens when i get my first period at school, which sucks coz i always have to go home in the middle of the day. I get cramps all throughout the day and at one point i get a really cold chill, and then i all of a sudden i get really hot and sweaty and shaky and my head goes all blurry and i just feel extremely dehydrated (even though i drink a lot of water). Then i can tell that im gonna be sick so i leave the class and end up vomiting :/ It sucks so much coz its happened alot -.- So all i wanna know is whyyyy does this happen and how can i prevent it from happening!! (Also does anyone know how to get rid of cramps, i get really bad ones ugh) And im supposed to get my period tomorrow so im freaking out coz i know im gonna be sickkk ahhh Thank you in advannce if anyone actually answers, it means alot! xxxx


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