Would this routine and diet allow me to get bigger?

Would this routine and diet allow me to get bigger?

Would this routine and diet allow me to get bigger?

Posted: 10 Aug 2013 01:05 AM PDT

So right now I've been working out for quite some time now and have made some gains, but now I want to bulk and get bigger. I know diet has alot to do with growing but the thing is, I don't have access to all these "specific" type of foods that people go out buy and cook it themselves, I usually just eat what my parents make (of course they make healthy stuff, not junk food). I work out hard 3 days a week. And so for bulking, should taking 1g/lb of protein and then just eat alot of what my parents make as well as other stuff around the house enough for bulking? I can't really keep track of how many carbs and etc are in my foods because I don't exactly know what my parents put or how much they put in it. But for protein I can because I take that mostly in my shakes, so I weigh about 1560 so I should take about 160g of protein per day and as for food just eat alot. Would this be good? Thanks!


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