As a boy in his teenage years, what do I do regarding masturbation?

As a boy in his teenage years, what do I do regarding masturbation?

As a boy in his teenage years, what do I do regarding masturbation?

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 01:21 AM PDT

These two paragraphs are simply a prologue to what led up to my sexual frustration and problems. Go ahead and skip over them if you want. Currently, I am thirteen. While I know in younger generations, the thought of masturbation would never sweep the mind, but as I hear more and more about my classmates "jerking it" and such, not only do I feel self conscious, but stressed. It's not a point about peer pressure, but more-so regarding the fact that I myself want to do it but I am unsure about it. I've had my first romantic encounter this year, with a girl - However, what I'm assuming it is was a ploy at being "hard to get" as she, after we spent less than a year organizing it, knocked it off. I'll admit, one thought led to another about this girl, and I finally couldn't help myself. We talked regularly, and as it is, everyone views me as the "slightly chubby kid who makes fat jokes and is outgoing, but not one to be in a relationship himself." Despite my body irregularities within the social norm, I find that I'm popular, where the peer pressure came in. I began to hang around a diverse group of people, among those being the jocular kids that talked about masturbation and such. Within that and the fact that the girl had, after three days of finally putting forth our relationship, had broken up with me. Now, I understand - She was insecure, and the fact that this was my first relationship and I was sketchy about it put her forth into the "Wanting what she can't have" clause, she thought all would go smoothly. However, she found that, being as I am a bit more mature than the kids of my age and generation, she didn't want to make many commitments. From then on, she had ignored me and blatantly flocked to hang out with one of my best friends, and for a while I plummeted into depression. While better from that, I now find myself with a new "problem" that most boys my age do. I have a very open family, we aren't afraid to chuckle at eachother's misfortunes before helping them out, and yes-- While my father did undergo this, I'd rather remain a faceless entity on the internet to avoid this. My father's a good man, don't get me wrong, but he's a bit "behind the times" in ways of viewing things. I'm sexually frustrated at the moment, and I find that I want to masturbate, and it works -- But whenever I find myself coming close to orgasming, my breathing slows down and I can feel my pelvis lock up a bit to make ready for the orgasm, but I'm...Scared to orgasm, quite frankly. While everyone makes it seem so easy, I feel like there'll be a mess or my family will see something about it or it'll hurt. What I'm expecting now, from answers, is to "Grin and bare it" or "go without doing it." That seems like the best option I have at the moment, but sexual frustration's been a burden on me for the last week. With my Grandmother ill and out of my comfort zone, it seems like the healthiest way to ventilate, but once more I'm back where I started. The thought of orgasm and even coming close to it scares me. Is there anything possible that there is to say, without "Grin and bare it". I know the definition of masturbation, and while it's mostly just "Up and down, up and down, relax, and sleep," I find myself overthinking it just like I do with many other situations. Overall -- I just need some things, any things about masturbation and orgasm and coming close it. It always leaves me a bit down when I find myself gasping very quietly before pulling away and just struggling for a few seconds, a bit pathetically, before it all dies down. Like I said, anything that you feel needs to be said about masturbation or orgasming to me. That, or just anything overall - Such as how much of a pansy I need to stop being!


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