Does this woman have a right to stay on disability? coz she worked for 27 years?

Does this woman have a right to stay on disability? coz she worked for 27 years?

Does this woman have a right to stay on disability? coz she worked for 27 years?

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 01:21 AM PST

My neighbour (47,) has been on disability for 4 years (incapacity benefit) as she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a few years ago, and it did become a struggle for her to do her job, because of the joint pain. She is OK sometimes and in pain sometimes, but the upshot is; she seems to have a relatively decent life because the drugs stem the pain. She gets DLA, incapacity and half the rent paid, and extra tax credits and she doesn't pay for prescriptions or health care, and she says that she has no intention of going back to work again; EVER, because she has never been so well off and gets as much now as she did working... AND she worked from 16 to 43, so has 'paid her dues.' She worked from the age of 16 to 43 (27 years) through the death of her parents, and having both kids (now mid teens.) She said she has never been happier, she gets to spend time with the kids and family and sees her friends more. But is this right? She says she is in pain sometimes, and they put her on incapacity benefit in 2009, and because it's a chronic illness, she is never re-checked or scruntinised. What is your opinion on this woman? Should she be made to try out for a job? Or does the fact that she is in pain half the time with R.A. and the fact she worked from 16 to 43 mean she has a right to not work again?


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