is my finger infected? (pic included)?

is my finger infected? (pic included)?

is my finger infected? (pic included)?

Posted: 23 Sep 2011 01:12 AM PDT

for a few days now, just under my nail bed on my ring finger has been swollen and inflammed, and now a spot (under the skin) has become visible which is a sort of grey colour. It doesn't hurt unless it is pushed or poked, then it is excruciatingly painful and remains painful for about 5 minutes after it has been poked. I had broken skin there (from dryness/peeling which i admittedly exacerbated by peeling it myself) so it would make sense if it was an infection. what should I do? is it very bad? note the purple/yellow/grey spot under the skin on the right hand side of my finger near the nail bed.


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