I have severe Vertigo and I think Im going to die.Please can you read my symptoms and offer some advice?

I have severe Vertigo and I think Im going to die.Please can you read my symptoms and offer some advice?

I have severe Vertigo and I think Im going to die.Please can you read my symptoms and offer some advice?

Posted: 16 Mar 2012 01:33 AM PDT

I am a 37 year old woman with 2 kids (boy4 girl9). I get severe neck pains.I use Ibuprofen. Often I feel like the room is spinning. Dizziness the morning. I am light headed. I weak up every morning as if I have had a massive hang over- despite the fact I'm a nondrinker! I get eager to open bowls.I often feel a little better after going to the bathroom and passing stools.Too much wind/gas. Stomach bloated (similar to a 8 month pregnant woman)(im not pregnant) I get exhausted and often sleep 10-14 hours every night At 6.30pm I just want to go to bed.. My breathing goes when excited or upset. Sometimes I feel lack of oxygen when sleeping. I am on a strong antibiotic 500mg Clarithromy One of the side effects of this is vertigo! But this is not the cause because I have vertigo before. I feel like I get dragged to one side. Just for reference did have a gall bladder removed in 2004 due to stones in common bial duct. Too much yawning and shivers. I now have problems driving and sometimes even walking. I get a little pain where I had the Op to remove gall bladder but I dont think this is the cause of the problems. IF ANYONE RECOGNISES SYMPTOMS OR HAS ANY IDEAS WHAT I CAN DO TO IMPROVE MY SITUATION- PLEASE CAN YOU ADVISE ME.- urgently. The doctors are not helpful.


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