Do I have ADHD?

Do I have ADHD?

Do I have ADHD?

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 01:45 AM PST

I tap my foot every second of the day. I keep on repeating myself for e.g. I told my friend a joke and 5 minutes later repeat it without realizing. I rock my chair in class back and forth. I daydream a lot. I get mood swings a lot. I could be laughing then I could be sad in a long or short period of time. Very aware of my surrounding always looking around. I got into trouble at school once for fighting and got excluded and get detentions for mainly not doing my homework sometimes. I can't concentrate when reading and my school work unless its something I enjoy. I get very bored easily and fidget a lot. I have a horrible memory, with me walking into a room only to forget what I was doing there. I am very forgetful, people will tell me something, and a few minutes later i forget. I also forget things like my house keys etc.. I talk very fast and sometimes when I'm hyper or excited. I butt into people's conversation and talk over people without realizing. i don't finish my school work etc. I get bad grades like u's, E's, D.s. Sometimes I'd walk around in class etc. When I'm at home most of the time i'm so hyper I can't keep still. I can't sit still sometimes and can't concentrate or pay attention . I get a lot of anxiety like big crowds etc. I don't give much eye contact. Very easily distracted any slight sound or movement from someone or something distracts my attention. When having a one on one conversation with teachers or friends, I realize I haven't listened to things they have said because I was either daydreaming or thinking about other things such as little details about the person I'm speaking to. Sometimes while they are speaking to me I realize I have missed half of it then, while there still speaking to me I'm thinking about the fact I have missed everything they have just said. Very disorganized. Sometimes I can be very attention-seeking. I am normally quiet but loud when hyper etc. I get told off by teachers for talking when i should be doing my work and get moved around etc. I'm very lazy. I don't do my chores. I don't listen to my parents. Sometimes I throw things when I'm angry. I say hurtful things when i I'm angry but I don't really mean to say it i'm 15 btw I've just started to realize these symptoms recently..


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