I'm in AA, would this be a relapse?

I'm in AA, would this be a relapse?

I'm in AA, would this be a relapse?

Posted: 19 Dec 2013 01:47 AM PST

I am a recovering alcoholic of two years, drug of choice was solely alcohol. Ever since I was in middle school I've been taking ADD medicine which I am prescribed to take to help me focus. Tonight I have not slept a wink, but I would like to take my ADD medicine in the morning so I can pay attention at work. The reason I am hesitant about taking it is because I am unsure if taking it the morning (when I was still awake from the previous day) would possibly be a relapse. Should you take ADD medicine every morning, OR take it when you wake up? That's my dilemma. I wouldn't want to do anything that might jeopardize my sobriety date so I am completely open to honest opinions/suggestions. Thanks guys!


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