If your BF or GF is Narcissistic personal disorder,,, Just selfish or sociopaths?

If your BF or GF is Narcissistic personal disorder,,, Just selfish or sociopaths?

If your BF or GF is Narcissistic personal disorder,,, Just selfish or sociopaths?

Posted: 18 Dec 2013 01:18 AM PST

If you see my last question you will know my relationship... Anyway i was told he is NPD( Narcissistic personal disorder) and he might be sex addict too. But his need for sex could be strongly linked with the need to control me. How difference selfish and NPD? Have you ever date someone NPD? How did you end up your relationship with him or her? I had a chance to talk clinical counselor but the counselor never seen him... Can counselor tell if he really NPD?


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