I think I'm suffering with bipolar?

I think I'm suffering with bipolar?

I think I'm suffering with bipolar?

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 01:06 AM PST

Okay, so I have asked this before but it was pretty incoherent so I'm just going to re-do it. I took an online bipolar test on the psych central website and i got 54 and if you get over 50 it's serious bipolar 1 symptoms. I don't think I have bipolar one obviously but I really do think I have a problem. Sometimes (for months) I'm the most sociable person you'll ever meet and I'm so ridiculously happy and I make a million friends and I'm just on top of the world and I can't stop talking and this has been happening for years. I also get very depressed to the point of suicide and have zero self confidence. I can't talk to anyone and cut and everything. I've been seriously depressed about 6 or 7 SEPERATE times and I have had these over happy ones notably 3 times, although there was more that I'm not 100% sure on. And also sometimes I feel normal too and this comes on for no reason so I'm sure it's not normal. I haven't slept properly in days like last night I would've got 2-3 hours sleep and my mind is racing and I wake up kind of tired but like an hour later I have so much energy I could run a marathon and I wouldn't be tired. I feel like I can't even type this as fast as I want to. And I'm getting really raging angry. I'm more social than usual and my mood is amazing and I'm not worried about this but I mean I can't get to sleep when I try and I feel so excited over nothing and I don't know what to do because my body is getting tired but my mind won't stop. I have an appointment at the mental health place in like two months but i don't know if I should wait like I don't wanna go on medication or anything bc it makes you fat


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