my car and no insurance?

my car and no insurance?

my car and no insurance?

Posted: 25 Jan 2014 05:03 AM PST

my husband has this best friend girl and me and her talk from time to time. ..Yesterday her car broke down so he just gave her my car to drive for the weekend.. ( we have 3 cars by the way) he has 2 and I have 1.... my issue is I have not driven my car because I have not had it insured yet and the light does not work... well I am pissed because he did not talk to me about It first and just the fact that she has my number and she did not bother to tell me... I do not believe in lending my car to no one when the car is not insured and besides no one who is not my family member,.... he became angry and said that she needed a way to work and he felt bad because he had her run an errand for him when her car broke down... I hate too be mean but I am sorry... it should have been discussed with me first... she has 4 girls and would need a car by the weekend I ask him why did he not loan his car to her he said because my car worth is less than his car... please help I am not at ease about the situations


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