Protege-Weka integration, classpath error?

Protege-Weka integration, classpath error?

Protege-Weka integration, classpath error?

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:05 AM PDT

Bonjour, I am currently trying to create an custom plugin for Protege that uses Weka's GUIs and I keep getting a class dependency error: NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/dom/Node as I understand it this can be resolved via the "Apache Felix Framework Configuration Properties" but I know nothing of this framework could you help me! I am now pasting a sample of what im trying to do: JAVA: package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import org.protege.editor.owl.ui.OWLWorkspaceViewsTab; import weka.associations.gsp.Messages; import weka.gui.WekaTaskMonitor; import weka.gui.explorer.Explorer; import org.w3c.dom.Node; public class ExampleWorkspaceTab extends OWLWorkspaceViewsTab { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4896884982262745722L; @Override public void initialise() { super.initialise(); /** * note that the error is in the manifest in complains heavily if i include the org.w3c.dom.Node */ Explorer wE=new Explorer(); add(wE, BorderLayout.CENTER); } @Override public void dispose() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.dispose(); } } /**********************************************************************************************/ MANIFEST Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Test Example Tab Plugin Bundle-SymbolicName:;singleton:=true Bundle-Category: protege Bundle-ContactAddress: Bundle-DocURL: Bundle-Description: A sample tab for learning how to write a plugin Bundle-Vendor: Protege Development Team Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/examplelib.jar,lib/weka.jar Import-Package: org.osgi.framework, org.apache.log4j, javax.swing, javax.swing.border, javax.swing.colorchooser, javax.swing.event, javax.swing.filechooser, javax.swing.plaf, javax.swing.plaf.basic, javax.swing.plaf.metal, javax.swing.plaf.multi, javax.swing.plaf.synth, javax.swing.table, javax.swing.text, javax.swing.text.html, javax.swing.text.html.parser, javax.swing.text.rtf, javax.swing.tree, javax.swing.undo, javax.xml.parsers Bundle-Version: 4.0.9 Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.equinox.registry, org.eclipse.equinox.common, org.protege.editor.core.application;bundle-version="4.1.0", org.protege.editor.owl;bundle-version="4.1.0", org.semanticweb.owl.owlapi;bundle-version="3.0.0"


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