What causes sleep walking and sleep talking and is there a way to treat it?

What causes sleep walking and sleep talking and is there a way to treat it?

What causes sleep walking and sleep talking and is there a way to treat it?

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 01:32 AM PST

ok, my story is last week i asked my mom to wake me up from a nap. i wake up 5 hours later and ask my mom whats happened. my mom tells me i screamed and i told her to go away, but i have no memory of doing that, so i must have done it in my sleep. separate incident, i set my i phone alarm to wake me up in an hour.i wake up 6 hours later and notice that my phone was thrown across the room. i must have also done this in my sleep. i want to know if there is some cure for this, because its starting to get really annoying.


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