Help! Candida overgrowth is hell.?

Help! Candida overgrowth is hell.?

Help! Candida overgrowth is hell.?

Posted: 20 Dec 2011 01:19 AM PST

I'm at the end of my rope. I am so positive that I have candida overgrowth and possibly a gluten intolerance. I do have lactose intolerance. No doctors believe me and they dismiss any idea of yeast overgrowth, telling me that if I did have candida throughout my body I would be in a hospital. I don't know what to do. For about 2 weeks I have cut my diet, I no longer eat gluten, dairy or sugar. However I have slipped up a few times and I'm worried for the holidays. But should I be taking vitamins, what kind of vitamins. I feel so helpless and there's no one to help me or guide me. I'm in hell.


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