Anaesthetic didn't work :(?

Anaesthetic didn't work :(?

Anaesthetic didn't work :(?

Posted: 23 Aug 2015 10:16 PM PDT

Help I am 15 years old and I had a dull pain in my tooth that my dentist advised to be extracted. My dentist shot me with 4 shots but it still hurts, everytime she pulls or tugs her equipment, it REALLY hurts, like, so bad, so I told her to stop. She said that my tooth was infected so she gave me antibiotics to take 3x a day for a week. After that, we came back to her and we started our session, but the same thing happened, it STILL HURT. She gave me a stronger antibiotc. Can you please tell me what is happening to my tooth. I am due on Wednesday and if my tooth still hurts I would be restless and frustrated and depressed.


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