Severe headaches, numbness on right side of body, heart palpitations, pain over right side of body?

Severe headaches, numbness on right side of body, heart palpitations, pain over right side of body?

Severe headaches, numbness on right side of body, heart palpitations, pain over right side of body?

Posted: 10 Apr 2012 01:30 AM PDT

I'm a 20 yr old female and over the last few months i've been experiencing a range of problems. I went to hospital with bad chest pains and palpitations that were painful, I have tachycardia, my heart rate rests on about 120-130. Sometimes my palpitations are every few minutes or sometimes less. The blood tests they did came up positive for blood clots, but the scans they did were clear. A few weeks after the palpitations started, my right arm would get numb, as if it was asleep and sometimes very painful. Now I have severe headache on the right side of my head, my entire right side always feels numb, and I get really bad stabbing pains anywhere on the right side. (I'm seeing a range of doctors/surgeons over the next few weeks about all of this but was just after everyone else' opinion.)


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