Has anyone had panic attacks subside after giving birth?

Has anyone had panic attacks subside after giving birth?

Has anyone had panic attacks subside after giving birth?

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 01:40 AM PDT

I am 21 years-old and I am about 5.5 mos. pregnant with my third child. I got pregnant just two months after giving birth to my second son. I started having anxiety/panic symptoms when I was about 3 mos. and I am still having fears of leaving the house. I've never felt like this, usually I am independent, but now I cant go anywhere without having someone who can drive with me. I get scared when I go to a store and the parking lot has more than 3 cars parked. I start feeling like no one can help me when I have an attack. Doctor's tell me it's just hormones, but I keep fearing that even after giving birth it won't cease or that I won't make it. Sometimes it ceases after I start bawling like a little girl.


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