Opinion on if this mole seems cancerous?

Opinion on if this mole seems cancerous?

Opinion on if this mole seems cancerous?

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 01:17 AM PST

I have had a pencil eraser-sized mole near my chest since as long as I can remember. It was a benign brown until a couple of months ago. Around the border of the mole, the circle enclosing it, it suddenly turned a dark mismatching brown. They are very small spots of dark brown, though, but I am still worried. Also, very close to it a new mole appeared that is extremely tiny. It is a reddish-brown and I almost mistook it for a pimple of sorts. I am fairly young and I heard things about skin cancer usually only forming in older people... I just wanna know if it seems dangerous? I scoured the internet and couldn't find a similar thing really. Thank you.


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